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Summary of June 2014 Lab Meeting


Attendees (Second Round)

  • Greg Wilson (Mozilla, Toronto)
  • Gabriel Devenyi (McMaster, Hamilton, @staticwave_ace)
  • Matt Davis (Synthicity, Berkeley (@jiffyclub))
  • Jeramia Ory (King's College, PA @DrLabRatOry)
  • Jens von der Linden (University of Washington, Seattle)
  • Kwasi Kwakwa (Imperial College London)
  • Xu Fei (New York, NY)
  • Jeremiah Lant (Louisville, Kentucky)
  • Christian Jacobs (Imperial College London, UK)
  • Erika Mudrak (Cornell, Ithaca @ErikaMudrak)
  • Bernhard Konrad (Vancouver, BC)
  • Tim McNamara (Auckland, NZ)
  • Aron Ahmadia (Washington, D.C.)
  • Chris Beitel (UC Davis; Eisen Lab; @datascimed)
  • Ben Marwick (U of Washington, Seattle, @benmarwick)
  • Katy Huff (UCBerkeley)
  • Damien Irving (University of Melbourne, Australia / @DrClimate)
  • Amanda Harlin (Uni of Oklahoma, @amandaharlin)

Attendees (First Round)

  • Raniere Silva (University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Rémi Emonet (University of Saint Étienne, France)
  • Jonah Duckles (University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma @jduckles)
  • Brian Northan
  • Pauline Barmby, (Western U, London Canada, @PBarmby)
  • Russell Alleen-Willems (Diachronic Design, Seattle, Washington, @DiachronicD)
  • Marios Isaakidis (@misaakidis)
  • Denis Haine (U of Montreal)
  • Ethan White (Utah State University / @ethanwhite)
  • Emily Davenport (University of Chicago)
  • Lex Nederbragt (University of Oslo)
  • Stephen Turner (University of Virginia, @genetics_blog)
  • Karin Lagesen (University of Oslo, @karinlag)
  • François Michonneau (University of Florida, @FrancoisInvert)
  • John Blischak (University of Chicago)
  • Brian Glanz (@openscience, Wash DC today)
  • Dana Bauer (Rackspace, Philadelphia)
  • Azalee Bostroem (Space Telescope Science Institute)
  • Sheila Miguez (Chicago, IL)
  • Abigail Cabunoc (OICR, @abbycabs)
  • Tracy Teal (@tracykteal)
  • Rob Davey (@froggleston - joined late!)
  • Amy Brown (@amyrbrown)



  • Lessons in Python and R on creating packages?
  • Switch to Python 3?
    • Is it fully science-supporting? (numpy, scipy....)
      • Those ones, yes.
    • Anaconda now supports it
    • "Canopy provides access to Python 2.7.6" - no indication on side of 3.0 support
    • But most code is still written in Python 2.7
    • Integer division is a huge stumbling/exasperation point for novices
    • Votes: 0 +1+10 +1+0-100+1+10000+0.50+1+1+1+1+10000+100
    • Votes for using 3.* syntax but installing 2.7: -1+1+1-1-1+1+1
    • List of incompatible packages? Currently summarized in {{site.github_url}}/bc/issues/107#issuecomment-32144981
  • Add a GUI diff/merge tool to our version control lessons?
  • Install ipythonblocks by default?
    • {{site.github_url}}/bc/issues/486
    • note: it is used in some lessons
    • Votes: +1+1+1+0+1+1-1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1
    • How many people use it: Greg, Karin, Damien, Tracy (sometimes)
    • Volunteers to do the work:
      • Matt Davis
  • Integrate regexpal.com into our lessons for teaching regular expressions
    • See {{site.github_url}}/bc/issues/498
    • Votes: +1 +1 +1+1+1+1+1+1+1+000+1+1+1+10+1
    • Volunteers:
      • Rémi: I could help if needed (and if it is just integration) - I could do something, it is not perfect from a style point of view but it seem to work (see the issue)
      • Matt Davis
  • How to decide on reorg of lesson material?
    • Meeting: +1 +1
    • GitHub issue: +1 +1 +1 +1 +1+1+1+1
    • Mailing list thread:
  • Use templates to control what's displayed in setup instructions
  • Highlight "senior" instructors somehow on the team page?
    • See also {{site.github_url}}/bc/pull/570
    • Suggestions: open a discussion thread - this one's complicated
    • Count option can lead to "Senior" later by defining what that means
  • EPUB version of lesson

July 22-23 Sprint

  • Planning: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/swc-sprint-2014
  • Meet with hosts/project leaders/anyone else who's interested next Thursday (July 3) to talk details - if you're interested in being part of the meeting, please sign up below
    • Raniere Silva
    • Azalee Bostroem
    • François Michonneau
    • Brian Northan
    • Brian Glanz
    • Chris Beitel
    • Matt Davis
    • Amanda Harlin
    • Damien Irving
    • Tim McNamara
    • Xu Fei
    • Gabriel Devenyi
    • April Wright

Other Business

  • Google Hangouts/Helpouts

Volunteers/Reviewers Wanted (we didn't get to this because time ran out)

Feedback on this page? Contact us

Last edited: 2024-04-29 at 14:57:25 UTC

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