Home> Blog> Minutes from 2012-10-29 All-Hands Meeting

Minutes from 2012-10-29 All-Hands Meeting

This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.

We held our first online all-hands meeting yesterday (Monday, October 29), and despite Hurricane Sandy, 28 people were able to attend. Minutes from the meeting are given below; we have a lot to do, but we're very excited to be doing it.

In attendance:
  • Aron Ahmadia
  • Carlos Anderson
  • Azalee Bostroem
  • Erik Bray
  • Steve Crouch
  • Matt Davis
  • Ross Dickson
  • Justin Ely
  • Julia Gustavsen
  • Tommy Guy
  • Steve Haddock
  • Ted Hart
  • Konrad Hinsen
  • Katy Huff
  • Emily Jane McTavish
  • Trevor King
  • Justin Kitzes
  • Ian Langmore
  • Ian Mitchell
  • Aleksandra Pawlik
  • Ariel Rokem
  • Anthony Scopatz
  • Chang She
  • Joshua Smith
  • Laura Tremblay-Boyer
  • Ben Waugh
  • Ethan White
  • Greg Wilson
  1. Attendance and no-shows
    • Attendance ranges from less than 50% to over 100% of those who register
    • Former case is disappointing (to instructors) and unfair (to those left on the wait list)
    • Options:
      1. Have people to register in groups/teams
        • Worked well at UC London and elsewhere
        • Difficult to implement on EventBrite
        • Try out team signup at upcoming workshops
      2. Try a registration charge (e.g., $20) which we keep, return after attendance, or give to charity
        • Institutions may start charging us for space if any money changes hands
          • Find out if we can charge for attendance without being charged in turn
        • Returning money to attendees is difficult (getting credit card number and only charging for no-show is equally fraught)
        • What charity would we donate to? (Software Carpentry isn't a non-profit)
  2. Licensing
    • Existing content is CC-BY / MIT licensed
    • Do not want to have to manage content with multiple licenses
    • Need sign-off from contributors
    • Linux Submitting Patches guide and GitHub's Contributing Guidelines are both examples we can copy.
    • Incorporate licensing agreement into web site
    • Get retroactive signoff for existing material
  3. Workshop/participant level mismatch
    • Most common complaints about workshops are "too fast" and "too slow"
    • describes our target
    • Telling people what we expect as background hasn't worked
      • People who don't know enough to absorb what we teach show up in the hopes that they'll get something, and are then lost
      • People who know much of what we're teaching show up in the hopes of learning something new, and are bored
    • Having people send us material for evaluation (e.g., code sample) doesn't scale
      • "I think the people in my field able to produce a code example are way ahead of the group that needs the most help."
    • Use a self-assessment?
      • People will still undershoot/overshoot and show up anyway
      • Pre-tests scare away some of the people we most want to help
    • Ask them to work through a free online course before coming to us?
      • MOOCs work best for people who already understand concepts and want to add information...
      • ...which isn't our audience...
      • ...and many people who are willing to try a two-day workshop probably won't commit to a full course (up front)
    • Experiment with pre-assessments for upcoming workshops
      • Make completion of the pre-assessment a condition for getting a ticket
  4. Impact Assessment
    • We don't know what impact we're having (but funders would really like to)
    • Collect names/email addresses of actual workshop participants to contact later
    • Design lightweight post-workshop instrument for use 3 months after
  5. Migrating the Software Carpentry repository to GitHub
    • Find examples of people doing collaborative course development using Git
    • Need to reach consensus on one-big-repo vs. lots-of-little-repos
    • Produce short A-or-B position statements on Git organization by Nov 7 for vote
  6. Online Lessons
    • Broadcast video tutorials didn't work well
    • Forums hosted at Software Carpentry didn't do well in 2010
    • SciComp Stack Exchange isn't intended for novice questions about shell, version control, etc.
    • Local learning groups (once-a-week lunchtime sessions) seemed to work well
      • And when video tutorials did work, it was partly because participants were co-located, e.g., watching a single screen in a small group and talking amongst themselves out of band
    • Experiment with online office hours
    • Create "Software Carpentry" tag on Stack Exchange
    • Re-launch our own forums
      • Given how many workshops we're running, and how closely they're scheduled, maybe this time there would be critical mass
  7. Targeting Specific Audiences
    • Our mission is not to teach Python (or Bash, or Subversion), but to teach scientists how to think like programmers:
      • to grow programs in a structured, repeatable way (create and combine lots of little tools)
      • to manage and share what they build (version control, readable code, provenance)
      • to be confident that it's right (defensive programming, testing, debugging)
      • to automate, automate, automate (build system, and the very idea of programming)
      and to do this using open source tools as far as possible.
    • Using R instead of Python fits this mission (see Justin Kitzes' summary)
    • Teaching MPI doesn't
    • What about teaching these concepts in C or Fortran to people who already speak the language?
    • Try using R instead of Python
    • Try using C or Fortran without teaching the language itself
  8. Workshop Sprint in 2013
    • Initial idea: bring Europeans over to help run a bunch of workshops in North American in late March 2013, then send North Americans over to help teach another bunch in late June
      • Good for publicity
      • A good way for people to meet each other and build ties
    • Are (some) people able to take 2-3 weeks to do this? Yes.
      • Particularly if they give academic talks at the same time as teaching workshops, which everyone should.
    • Does the timing work? Exams, people leaving to work at field stations, etc.
    • Find out who's available when for workshop sprint
    • Find budget for workshop sprint
  9. Content Sprint in 2013
    • Independently of the workshop sprint, bring people together for a one-week sprint on content
      • Or possibly 2-3 sites (e.g., London, Toronto, Mountain View) connected by virtual presence
    • Find out who's available when for content sprint
    • Find budget for content sprint
  10. Deferred
    • IPython Notebooks experience report
    • Git experience report
    • What to do about Windows?
    • Badging
  1. Try out team signup at upcoming workshops. [pending new workshops]
  2. Find out if we can charge for attendance without being charged in turn. [all]
  3. Incorporate licensing agreement into web site. [GVW]
  4. Get retroactive signoff for existing material. [GVW]
  5. Experiment with pre-assessments for upcoming workshops. [pending design and new workshops]
  6. Collect names/email addresses of actual workshop participants to contact later. [all]
  7. Design lightweight post-workshop instrument for use 3 months after. [WC, MH]
  8. Find examples of people doing collaborative course development using Git. [any?]
  9. Produce short A-or-B position statements on Git organization by Nov 7 for vote. [KH + AA, MD, TG, TK, CS, JS]
  10. Experiment with online office hours. [KH, others?]
  11. Create "Software Carpentry" tag on Stack Exchange. [volunteer?]
  12. Re-launch our own forums. [deferred]
  13. Try using R instead of Python. [TH, JK, LTB]
  14. Try using C or Fortran without teaching the language itself. [AA, KH]
  15. Find out who's available when for workshop sprint. [GVW]
  16. Find budget for workshop sprint. [GVW]
  17. Find out who's available when for content sprint. [GVW]
  18. Find budget for content sprint. [GVW]
Note: GVW would really appreciate a volunteer to tackle #15-18.
AAAron Ahmadia
WCWarren Code
MDMatt Davis
TGTommy Guy
MHMike Hansen
THTed Hart
KHKonrad Hinsen
KHKaty Huff
JKJustin Kitzes
TKTrevor King
CSChang She
JSJoshua Smith
LTBLaura Tremblay-Boyer
GVWGreg Wilson

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Last edited: 2024-04-29 at 14:57:25 UTC

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